
VIM is partnering with Bowman Consulting Group, Environmental Design and Planning, and NV5 to make Lackawanna County streets and roads safer for walkers, bikers, and drivers. This Safe Streets for All project will create a comprehensive action plan to to fix high-priority accident-prone streets and roads throughout the county. VIM will play an important public engagement role, providing facilitation, stakeholder identification, outreach to under-represented groups, and promotional services. We want this plan to represent the needs of all those who live in Lackawanna County, as it will be used to attract federal funding to solve the county’s most critical road safety issues.

We’ll be organizing focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and public meetings. County residents can participate without going to a meeting, simply by filling out using the mobility needs survey or pinpointing unsafe streets or roads where they live. More information can be found at Safe Streets Lackawanna.

On Labor Day weekend 2024, VIM supported the team’s first outreach event at La Festa Italiana. Festival-goers identified their most pressing street safety challenges – and their preferred solutions!